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Visceral Manipulation is a form of manual therapy technique that aims to normalize mechanical, vascular and neurological dysfunctions of the viscera (organs), with the objective of improving function.
It was formalised by the work of Jean Pierre Barral, a French physiotherapist and osteopath.

Fascia is a continuous sheath of connective tissues that lines everything in our body, the organs, bones, muscles, blood vessels and nerves etc. Healthy fascia is fluid and mobile and needs to be able to glide. Any restriction or adhesion, no matter how small, will cause functional impairment of the organ. The consequent modification of the organ's motion, repeated thousands of times daily, can bring about significant changes to the organ and structures along the related fascial line.

Fascial glide and visceral motion will be adversely affected by inflammation. Many factors can cause inflammation including infections, direct trauma, surgery, repetitive movement, poor posture, diet, environmental toxins and emotional stress.
When an organ is fixed to another structure, the body is forced to compensate. This creates abnormal points of tension in the deep layers, creating a butterfly effect far from the source. The compensation may be musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urinary, respiratory, digestive or lymphatic.


When Visceral Manipulation is performed, trained practitioners use gentle and specifically placed techniques to help initiate and restore organ movement by increasing kinesthetic communication with the body. Treatment occurs through compression, mobilisation and elongation of the tissues.


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I qualified as a physiotherapist in 1993 from the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS). After spending a year working in the United Kingdom, I returned home to Johannesburg and finally started practicing at Netcare Garden City Hospital in February of 1996. 


I loved the diversity of the patients and was truly lucky to work with so many different cultures not only from South Africa but the whole of Southern Africa. 


COVID 19 gave me time to re-evaluate how I needed to run my practice and I have started at beautiful new premises in Parktown North, at Cahi Prosthodontic and Co. 

When treating patients I use a variety of manual techniques: I completed my post-graduate diploma in Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy in 2005. Following this most of my training was in Fascial Manipulation, through the Italian family of anatomists, the Stecco Foundation. A serious knock on the head led me into the more integrative world of visceral manipulation, neural manipulation, and osteopathic manual techniques, all taught through the internationally accredited Barral Institute. When people talk about treating the body holistically, this work encompasses all aspects from the physical to the emotional aspects of healing. I train overseas, mainly in Europe, on average about twice a year. This work is so humbling as you realize how amazing the body is and how much more we need to continually learn. 

When not treating patients, I am either with my family or following my other passion which is dressage


Visceral Manipulation can be effective in treating a variety of ailments, such as:


  • Acute disorders such as whiplash, seatbelt injuries, concussion, and sports injuries to the chest and abdomen

  • Musculoskeletal disorders such as chronic spinal dysfunction, headaches and migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, peripheral joint pain and sciatic pain

  • Digestive disorders such as bloating, reflux, constipation

  • Emotional Issues such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Pain related to post-operative scar tissue and post-infection scar tissue

  • Pelvic health such as chronic pelvic pain, bladder incontinence, dysmenorrhea and referred testicular pain

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